What is change management?

The world is changing faster than ever. So much so that people came up with an acronym for it. We’re living in a “VUCA world”, they say. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. As a result, leading organizations need to be ready to constantly adapt, in order to...

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Change Manager

So your organization is embarking on a significant transformation? Great!  By now, you’ve probably realized that a crucial piece of the puzzle is missing: a change manager! Whether you find yourself stuck crafting a change manager job description or simply seeking...

The Six Batteries of Change: fuel up your organization

The Six Batteries of Change (De Prins, Letens & Verweire) is an evidence-based change management model that focuses on the key drivers (batteries) that need to be charged in order to successfully embrace organizational change. These batteries represent the areas...

The Kübler-Ross Change Curve: tapping into emotions

Also known as the Kubler-Ross Transition Curve or the Five Stages of Grief, this model was initially developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the context of dealing with the emotional response to death and dying.  Over time, it has been adapted for use in...