feb 26, 2024
The world is changing faster than ever. So much so that people came up with an acronym for it. We’re living in a “VUCA world”, they say. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. As a result, leading organizations need to be ready to constantly adapt, in order to...
Jan 25, 2024
So your organization is embarking on a significant transformation? Great! By now, you’ve probably realized that a crucial piece of the puzzle is missing: a change manager! Whether you find yourself stuck crafting a change manager job description or simply seeking...
okt 30, 2023
The Six Batteries of Change (De Prins, Letens & Verweire) is an evidence-based change management model that focuses on the key drivers (batteries) that need to be charged in order to successfully embrace organizational change. These batteries represent the areas...
okt 30, 2023
McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, has developed its own Change Management Model: a structured approach to managing change within organizations. While McKinsey’s model does not have a catchy acronym like some other change management...
okt 30, 2023
Also known as the Kubler-Ross Transition Curve or the Five Stages of Grief, this model was initially developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the context of dealing with the emotional response to death and dying. Over time, it has been adapted for use in...