Our Partners

LQ is the Business Consulting organization that combines thought leadership from Vlerick Business School Leuven (Professor Peter de Prins and Geert Letens, LQ’s founding partners) with a pragmatic and integrated approach to design and implement Business Transformations.

Where connection on rational and emotional elements based on a scientifically based framework – Six Batteries of Change* – are central to achieving business success!

* ‘Six Batteries of Change’ (De Prins, Letens, Verweire, Vlerick Business School, 2017).


LQ works with Business Leaders from the top 100 organizations in the Netherlands and Belgium. Anne Kloosterboer, co-CEO LQ NL: “It’s all about connecting and charging the Six Batteries of Change to energize organizations for success!”Joint Value Proposition

SPRING TODAY and LQ, two reinforcing and complementary forces combined. Both driven to accelerate change within organizations and strengthen their change capabilities ’to achieve great business results that last!’

Energize for success to succeed tomorrow!