We hear and read a lot about agility in organizations. Techniques such as agile and scrum are being introduced at a rapid pace and they work. But it’s not Columbus’s only egg.
If technology becomes the goal, you are missing something. Because are you getting the most out of it when it comes to agility? After all, what takes place in the group is an autonomous process and has its own dynamics. But how do you manage that?
Behavioral Preferences
For example, do instruments that measure behavioral preferences contribute to this? You must have completed such a questionnaire at some point in your career. For example in the context of an assessment, personal coaching, team development, and leadership trajectory.
What experience do you have with this?
Do you feel pigeonholed? Or has indicated with a color, type of indicator, led to more insight and connection with colleagues. Is it handled carefully and correctly or does it also have a stigmatizing effect in your organization?
What I recently heard from a dear customer: “I have an aversion to putting people in a box, but I also know that we don’t do anything different every day. This method helps me to better understand the other profession by thinking in terms of boxes and to connect with it.” Recognizable?
Having a good connection with yourself, others, and the environment is a precondition for cooperation. Then you can jointly maneuver agilely and quickly. Provided it is applied properly, insight into behavioral preferences contributes to increasing team effectiveness and therefore also agility. However, it is not a license for one’s own behavior. “That’s just how I am…”
We, humans, are far from consistent in our behavior. In addition, it is sometimes tiring and complicated to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Especially when we are under pressure. Or if we have to make a decision. In the group process, a lot also takes place at the subconscious level. The roles that members of a team take on are interdependent and constantly changing. We relate to each other over and over again.
An example to illustrate:
In a project group, Henk proposes an idea that you consider impracticable at the wrong time. As a project leader, however, you are aware of his motives and motives, and you know his focus, so you do not immediately nip it in the bud, but give him the space to investigate it with the group. However, there is also impatience with you and the group. That is contrary to the space you want to give. We don’t express this but it shows in our body language. Everyone notices and starts to relate to it. For example, by supporting Henk correctly, also becoming impatient, dropping out of the process, doubting the safety of the group, etc. As a result, you ultimately, with all good intentions, do not have the right conversation. And so you do not deliver the best result as a team.
Sending on rollers
You can steer on those roles. With the aim of addressing all the potential that is present at the right time. Potential in the form of opinions, ideas, influences, and skills, but also frustrations, fears, irritations, and differences.
Increasing the agility of your team. How do you do that? What answer can we give? There are different perspectives, which is clear.
When do you take the individual as a starting point and when are the roles? Do you also want an answer to that question? Then please contact us.
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