The Six Batteries of Change: fuel up your organization

The Six Batteries of Change (De Prins, Letens & Verweire) is an evidence-based change management model that focuses on the key drivers (batteries) that need to be charged in order to successfully embrace organizational change. These batteries represent the areas...

The Kübler-Ross Change Curve: tapping into emotions

Also known as the Kubler-Ross Transition Curve or the Five Stages of Grief, this model was initially developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the context of dealing with the emotional response to death and dying.  Over time, it has been adapted for use in...

ADKAR Model: individualizing change management

ADKAR is probably the most well-known abbreviation in change management. It has been used by organizations all over the world, to successfully guide their transformation strategies. And rightfully so! After studying over 700 organizations to understand what drives...